About half of the population will have hemorrhoids by the time when they turn 50 and there are few cures without surgery. In general, approximately 89% of Americans suffer from hemorrhoids at some point in their lives.
While a cure may not be an option, there are many things you can do to prevent hemorrhoids flare ups. This is a common condition that can be helped by changes in lifestyle, and various hemorrhoids home treatments.The first thing to remember to keep hemorrhoids at bay is to keep that area clean. Sometimes the toilet paper is not enough and you may have to start using flush-able wipes, such as hypoallergenic baby wipes.
If you are environmentally conscious, you can use wash cloth with warm water after a bowel movement.
This helps to ensure that the area is very clean at all times.
Also a good way to prevent hemorrhoids returning is to use a hair dryer to dry those areas down there after shower. I know it sounds silly, but the hair dryer heat will help to kill the yeast and other bacteria in that area. Of course it goes without saying do not to put the hair dryer to close, if you feel like you're burning too close or the setting is too high. You should only do this for about 30 seconds.
If you have a painful flare up, you should also try to get more warm baths. You can be immersed in a bath with 20 drops of lavender essential oil and 20 drops of essential juniper oil. Be sure to stir the bath around before getting in to soak for 10-15 minutes. This methods will help to reduce swelling and help hemorrhoids heal easier.
Doctors say that women need at least 25 to 30 grams of fiber per day to prevent hemorrhoids returning and men need even more. A diet rich in fiber helps keep stools soft. When the stool is softer then you will not have to strain as much. When you strain to move your bowels, such as when you are constipated, you are causing the hemorrhoids to bulge and flare up.
Another good treatment to prevent hemorrhoids flare up is to drink fluids throughout the day. Keeping hydrated is a necessity for healthy living, and even more so if you live with hemorrhoids. Drink more than you'd normally keep you hydrated.
If you follow these home treatment tips and stick to it, you'll notice a huge difference in your life, even though if you do not heal hemorrhoids flare up immediately, it will help reduce them dramatically.