Sunday, 12 February 2012

Eliminate Hemorrhoids Review

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Hemorrhoids can be treated using hemorrhoid home treatment without going to the doctor or going for surgery at all. All that you need to cure the ailment are easily available and can be undertaken at leisure in the comfort of your home. There is nothing to worry about hemorrhoids at all because it is not a dangerous or life-threatening ailment. The most that hemorrhoids will cause you will be a short period of discomfort and pain. Hemorrhoids will usually disappear within a few days or a week at the most.
They are nothing more that swollen blood vessels that occupy the lower portion of the rectum as well as at the anus. The hemorrhoids can be either internal or external based on their location with respect to the anal canal. The internal hemorrhoids are above the dentate line of the anal canal while the external hemorrhoids are found below the dentate line.
If the hemorrhoids remain intact within the wall of the rectum, these are the first-degree type. If they protrude out of the anus but retract on their own, this is the second-degree hemorrhoids. The third-degree is where after protruding out of the anus, you need the use of a finger to push the hemorrhoids back into the rectum. The fourth-degree type is where the hemorrhoids cannot be pushed back into the rectum at all because of the large size of the hemorrhoids. Despite the different types of hemorrhoids, the home treatments are applicable to all types including the fourth-degree type which would normally require surgery to remove the hemorrhoids. The following can be undertaken to treat the hemorrhoids.
You can use a warm sitz bath. This can be in the form of a container which can be placed on the toilet bowl whereby you put warm water in it and later add in the herbal salts, Epsom salts or even baking soda. You can sit in the bath so that the hemorrhoids will shrink and becomes clean along the way. There will be some shrinking of the hemorrhoids. You can do this a few times daily for about 15 minutes each time.
Immediately check your diet so that you have plenty of fibers in it. Do this immediately because we do not want you to have constipation as this will worsen the hemorrhoids. You can get plenty of fibers from the fruits and vegetables. Some can be obtained from whole grains like rice and oat. The fibers will provide the watery bulk in the digestive tract thus ensuring the production of softer stools. With no constipation, there will be no straining on defecation. You will also need to remove old feces that are still trapped in the digestive tract. You can make use of beet fiber, psyllium husks, and oat fibers to cleanse the tract. These are the fibers used in colon cleansing formulation which can be done over a period from one to three months.
Add vitamin C, prunes and linseed to your diet as these have mild laxative action. Thus they will ensure that the stools are soft. You must also ensure that you drink at least 2 liters of water daily. You can drink in divided portions over 24 hours as you must not allow yourself to be dehydrated.
Make sure that you take vitamins and minerals supplement once daily as these will help with general body functions like respiration, digestion and tissue repair. The pancreas will need the vitamins in order for it to produce enzymes for digestion. When the digestion is good, the food waste will spend only a short time in the digestive tract thereby preventing putrefaction and infections.
Ensure that you exercise at least thrice weekly as this will strengthen the body and activate the lymphatic system to ensure optimum immunity against diseases. The body cells will then be able to withstand the stress due to hemorrhoids.
Hemorrhoid home treatment is the best form of hemorrhoids treatment because the system makes use of easily available home remedies that are cheap, safe to use and very effective.
If you are looking for a complete Hemorrhoid Home Treatment package that requires no surgery, and which consists of 100% natural treatment methods to eliminate your hemorrhoids safely in 48hours, besides the availability of personal and individualized support toward achieving success, then click here.

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