Sunday, 19 August 2012

Top Ten Solutions to Get Rid of Hemorrhoids

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Hemorrhoids are weak veins present in the rectal area which can lead to symptoms like burning, itching and extreme pain with or without pain. Are you suffering from distressing illness? Are you desperate to get rid of hemorrhoids? Natural treatments are available which have no side effects and do not cause any harm to your body.

Get rid of hemorrhoids with the help of home remedies which are handy and easily available. Here are a few of them that will help you to control your symptoms.
1.Increase the intake of fiber in your daily diet so that it avoids constipation in turn leading to less straining in toilet.
2.Plenty of water should be taken to clean your intestines, which helps to reduce the size of hemorrhoids.
3.Painkillers should not be taken by a person suffering from this illness because it can cause constipation and aggravate your symptoms.
4.Topical applications are also used to get rid of hemorrhoids. But is it advised not to use it as it gives only temporary relief.
5.Using ice packs in cases of prolapsed hemorrhoids which help to control bleeding. Consult a physician in such cases as it can be very painful and troublesome.
6.In pregnancy tendency to suffer from hemorrhoids is normal but when too much trouble is there, consult your gynecologist. Usually treatment is not required as it resolves after delivery.
7.Avoid sitting for long hours because it can increase the intensity of your symptoms.
8.Keep your weight under control is always important to get rid of hemorrhoids.
9.Rectal area should be cleaned and kept dry after every bowel movement.
10.Regular bowel patterns are very important to get rid of hemorrhoids.

Do not feel embarrassed about your illness and seek professional help as soon as the symptoms show up. Treat your ailment from its root so that it does not recur again in life.

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