Saturday, 28 May 2011

Effect Of Yoga And Exercise Goes A Long Way In Indirectly Dealing With Hemorrhoids

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The experiences of suffering from hemorrhoidal bleeding are deep set. Bleeding can make a person depressed psychologically. After that, people try to search for different means by which they can get relief. Many theories and medications have been propagated. Many people have advices as to how the hemorrhoids in general and bleeding in particular can be reduced.
The use of grape seed oil, flavinoids, a plant product called yarrow, etc. are said to be effective in controlling the bleeding by constricting the bleeding vessel. These methods might be very effective means of providing relief and helps in reducing or completely stopping the bleed. People use these methods to obtain relief. There are tribulations and trials during the course of treatment. There are psychological upsets and pressures that have to be dealt with also.
In the thick of things, the importance of exercise and good sleep is forgotten. These practices do not produce any direct effect in the control of bleed. They are therefore overlooked by most of the people. They also try to justify these methods in a direct relation with their hemorrhoids which is actually not there, and hence the importance of their requirement is not appreciated.
Not only for hemorrhoids, but for any other chronic and stress creating diseases, the concept of sleep cannot be overlooked. With sleep, the blood circulation goes a little slow. As the heart rate slows down, the flow of blood in the whole body becomes calm. The inflammatory process is reduced to a large extent as the recruitment of lymphocytes at the site of any inflammation is reduced.
The inflammation symptoms like redness, edema, indurations, itching, etc can subdue when a person is sleeping. In general, the pain that is present in the body at any place is seen to reduce significantly. The reduction in the inflammation can reduce the pain and the signs of inflammation at the point of hemorrhoids. The patients can get reduced pain, itching, and to a large extent the bleeding is hampered.
Along with other directly acting bleed reducers, the sleep process helps in effective working of these agents. People therefore need to have a good night's sleep to obtain relief from the effects of such bleeding and allow the medications to work effectively.
Another very important feature that is much underrated is the positive effects of yoga. Yoga in general invigorates the body. It provides strength to the body to fight off external agents by increasing the immune capacity of the body. The blood is the point at which immune cells reside. Improving the circulation allows the proper functioning of these cells to fend off any dangers to the body from external agents. Blood circulation is also known to improve the healing powers of the body.
Done on a regular basis, yoga has been seen to augment the healing capacity of the body to a very good extent. These are things that do not have an overnight effect. Expecting results on a daily basis would be foolish enough, but the smart customer is one who follows the yoga and sleep regimens with an eye on the long term effects. The basic aim is to make the body healthy and strong enough to let it tolerate graver things. Judicious use of medications and meticulous regimens of exercise and sleep, can go a long way in strengthening the body for a far reaching fortification.

Saturday, 7 May 2011

Hemorrhoids And Exercise: The Truth

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To begin with, let’s discuss the science of hemorrhoids. You've got veins supplied by arteries throughout your entire body. Frequent exercise facilitates the flow of the necessary oxygen and nurtrients to these veins. You are getting the circulation pumping any time you exercise! By exercising you are enabling the bits around your backside to be much healthier. This has to be incredibly good for piles yes?So if exercise is good for hemorrhoids then we should do as much of any kind of exercise whenever possible? No, this isn’t necessarily true. In my experience (and always remember this may well be quite different for you) it is far better to work with exercises that don’t push you to strain too hard. This simply means that exercise such as swimming, riding a bike or even simply taking walks are all really good for keeping hemorrhoids at bay.

So that would mean no weight lifting at the gym? I’m just speaking from my own experience here but it doesn’t automatically mean no strength training. Following an assessment by my doctor (preceding to a colonoscopy) I was told that my piles were quite prominant. He inquired about my diet and lifestyle and I told him that I live a mostly healthy and balanced lifestyle (with a reasonable diet routine) and that I love weight training exercise. This final part made the doctor take notice. I was cautioned to immediately stop lifting large weights as they may well aggravate the piles much more.

This was a challange. I really enjoy lifting. And as I pointed out, the added blood circulation comes with some positive aspects. So I figured I would search for the professional guidance of a fitness trainer at my neighborhood gym. After discussing the predicament with him, we realised that we needed to reduce the exercise routines that were putting the most force on my physical structure. Namely: Deadlift presses presses and some other leg exercises. (Note: A deadlift press is one of the basic leg exercises of weightlifting where you place the bar on your shoulder muscles and basically squat down).

Yet if we quit weight-based leg exercises what do we swap it with? (I like a complete body exercise routine). The solution for me personally: kettlebells. These exercises still allow me to exercise my thighs and legs yet given that it consists of somewhat more stamina-based training it doesn’t contribute to the strain that worsens the hemorrhoids. Best of all they provide an ideal blend of aerobic, strength and overall flexibility. Great for hemorrhoids!

Revisiting the physician

I returned to see the doctor. And I am relieved I did so simply because he verified that the new exercises genuinely did improve matters. Of the piles that he'd noticed, one had shrunk considerably. The other hemorrhoids were significantly reduced!

General advice concerning physical exercise and hemorrhoids

Quite possibly the most important point to bear in mind is that, even if you don’t feel like it is a good idea, you should attempt to keep on being active. I don’t mean that you should be hitting the gym each and every day or running cross-country races. But you should try to walk, jog, cycle or do something simply because it will help.

Plus you most likely don’t really want to learn this advice but you should also try to take strolls even for the duration of an episode of hemorrhoids. Regardless of whether complete rest might appear to be the smartest thing to do. It usually isn't. Getting that blood flowing will enable you to mend faster!

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