Sunday, 19 January 2014

Hemorrhoid from Pregnancy

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What Are Hemorrhoids:
Hemorrhoids, sometimes called Piles are basically swollen sacs of tissues and varicose veins that are located in the anus and the rectum. We all have sacs of tissue in the anus and rectum that help to move fecal matter out of our bodies. Hemorrhoids are sacs that have become inflamed and swollen, usually cause of pressure or straining on this area of the body. Hemorrhoids are very treatable, and in most cases can be treated in the comfort of your own home.
Hemorrhoids are often caused by straining during defecation. When you strain you can inflame the veins and hemorrhoids are the result. Another common cause of hemorrhoids is prolonged periods of sitting, constipation, and a poor diet. Hemorrhoids are common during pregnancy.
Doctor's are not sure why some otherwise healthy people develop hemorrhoids and others do not. In most cases hemorrhoids do not pose a serious problem for the patient, but in some more severe cases they will require surgical removal.
Although most people think hemorrhoids are abnormal, they are present in everyone. It is only when the hemorrhoidal cushions enlarge that hemorrhoids can cause problems and be considered abnormal or a disease.
Prevalence of hemorrhoids:
Although hemorrhoids occur in everyone, they become large and cause problems in only 4% of the general population. Hemorrhoids that cause problems are found equally in men and women, and their prevalence peaks between 45 and 65 years of age.
What Causes Hemorrhoids:
Prolapsed hemorrhoid is one that is internal and gets so big that it is pushed outside of the anus not defecating in the right position is on the top list of what causes hemorrhoids. While this may seem odd, it's not as odd as you may think when you take your anatomy into consideration. To avoid getting hemorrhoids you need to place a six inch stool in front of the toilet and place your feet on it. This keeps you from straining during the process of defecating, which will reduce the chance of developing hemorrhoids. But we all know that most people are not going to do this…
Constipation is another very common cause of hemorrhoids in people of all ages. When you are constipated you have to strain and you can cause damage to the rectum by placing too much pressure on the vessels inside. Avoid becoming dehydrated and be sure to get plenty of fiber as these are two things that can help you avoid constipation and hemorrhoids that often come along with it. Using a stool when you are severely constipated is a must!
Avoid lifting heavy objects whenever possible. Any time you strain you are putting pressure on the delicate vessels in the anal region. When you do lift, be sure that you are not straining and that you know proper lifting techniques so you can avoid getting hemorrhoids. If your job requires heavy lifting be sure that you wear a back brace and have help.
Many people wipe too hard or too much after they have had a bowel movement and this is a common cause of hemorrhoids. If you eat properly and drink well you will find that you can defecate without having to wipe much at all. If you find that you do need to wipe more than usual, use a damp cloth that will absorb more than the toilet paper and also be easier on the sensitive tissues.
Hemorrhoids during and after pregnancy are very common. The reason for this is that the weight of the baby puts strain on the veins in the anal and even vaginal region. The result can be not only hemorrhoids but even varicose veins in the legs and even on the vulva. Hemorrhoids are very common in pregnancy, but most women are able to treat them in their own home.
Many women never have any problems with hemorrhoids until they become pregnant. As if all of the other bodily changes are not enough for a woman to contend with, she may also develop hemorrhoids, which can be uncomfortable and even painful. As many as 50% of women will develop hemorrhoids while pregnant! If you were thinking you were alone in having hemorrhoids during pregnancy you can think again!
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